The SMART CITY is an urban environment capable of actively interacting with citizens to improve their quality of life on a daily basis. Its creation includes three implementation components that Creasys, thanks to first-level technical partners, includes in its offer to small and medium-large municipalities in our country. Namely: infrastructure (the network of connections, sensors, actuators and cameras... ), services (the set of applications to take advantage in full of the potential of the network) and control systems (to support decisions for the management of cities, territories and services). We dedicate the following focus to the latter, as a distinctive and recognized component with great added value of our overall offer.
- Control room and decision support system: technological platform to support the government of a city, that collects every source of information useful for designing, strategic planning, operational management and citizen engagement. A control room that provides a clear measure of the effectiveness of the policies undertaken, allowing constant control of the results and risks of the City System
- Georeferencing of the City. Among the layers availed by the system: Taxes, Citizen Reports, Access to Video Cameras, Means of Transport, Public Lighting, Occupation of public land, Smart Accessibility
- Analysis of satellite images: water quality, air quality, land use
- Mobility optimization and planning
- Social Media Analisys