In the field of corporate governance, Creasys has specialized in the management of systems dedicated to technological infrastructure and procurement. In IT governance, our consultancy allows the control of costs, risks and the integration between IT technology and all the organisation processes. This is to achieve management control and global resource optimization, which involves the customer's structure, from the strategic to the operational level.
Creasys high expertise in contract management as well as cost management expresses its added value in procurement management too. The implemented optimization of the process as well as the used tools in fact guarantee the client: greater cost savings, better control of expenses and supplier management together with a systematic running the life cycle of the contract.
As part of the Governance service, Creasys supports customers in carrying out five macro-activities such as:
- Support of the operations management
- Contract and offer respect testing
- Work progress monitoring
- Supply quality monitoring
- Monitoring of service levels
- Capacity planning support
- Enterprise architecture definition and development
- BPR, process analysis and automation levels evaluation
- Programs and projects management support
- Testing FP or Day per Person application fair sizing
- Testing lump sum or fee based services fair sizing
- Realization and management of applications baseline
- SLA management
- Technical assistance for the management and certification authority
- Support for the management of European calls
- Support for the monitoring and reporting processes
- Contract management support
- Contract Lifecycle Management
- SLA monitoring
- Monitoring of administrative processes